What is the SUSHREE PARADISE price of 2 BHK?
The price of a 2 BHK starts at 61.32L onwards*
What is the SUSHREE PARADISE price of 3 BHK?
The price of a 3 BHK starts at 83.45L onwards*
What is the SUSHREE PARADISE price of 3 BHK?
The price of a 3 BHK starts at 85.38L onwards*
Where is SUSHREE PARADISE located in Bhubaneswar?
The SUSHREE PARADISE project is located in Gothapatna, Bhubaneswar.
What is the total area of SUSHREE PARADISE?
Total area of SUSHREE PARADISE is 0.6 acres acre property.
How many total units are there in SUSHREE PARADISE?
SUSHREE PARADISE has a total 66 units are there.
When is SUSHREE PARADISE Possession Date?
Dec 27 is SUSHREE PARADISE Possession Date.